Psychology Behind Advertisements

 Author: Asia Nisar


Advertising is paid communication by a specific sponsor to inform or convince the public about an organization, product, service, or service.


            Psychology is the scientific study of mind and behavior. It observes the behavior of people and the psyche of the human mind.

Psychology in Advertising

Psychology examines attitudes, behaviors, and reasons why people behave as they do. Advertisements search the art of influencing human behavior leads to certain behaviors. Psychologists do research and present knowledge for the betterment of marketing.

Psychological Approach

In the Psychological Approach (1904), Walter Scott published a study on the psychology of media. The following are important points of concern.

• Focus on the type of user response, the type of media stimulus-response, and the possible relationship between advertisement stimulus and user response.

• Customer awareness is the quality and understanding of the brand, as well as the attitude and desire.

• Positive feedback to customers is one or more of the advertiser’s thoughts and feelings, e.g., hot, nervous, proud, and angry.

• Behavioral feedback includes attitudes and behaviors for the media.


The role of human process information is defined by two types: Hedonic Product Type and Hedonic Business Type. In other words, model thoughts and feelings. You will probably depend on the model, depending on your product and your audience. The advertisement should not be this or that; take it as a show.

1.      Consumer Processing Model

2.      Hedonic, Experiential Model

Consumer Processing Model (Thinking)

The thinking approach of advertising allows consumers to use logic and reason to buy the product based on features and problem-solving. You might consider this ad factual as it helps. Use the theory if:

• Want to share information, features, advantages, or benefits directly.

• Your product is a product that meets a great need, like a migraine medicine.

• Adheres to your reputation and target audience.

Hedonic, Experiential Model (Feeling)

According to a 2016 Nielson report, emotionally impactful ads achieved a 23% increase in sales volume. Emotional techniques use emotions to capture consumer behavior. Like pleasure, fantasy, or fear. The HEM approach convinces consumers to use their emotions. You need to take an emotional approach if:

• You can use emotions (humor, fear, love, etc.) to persuade consumers to buy the product.

• You want to reduce the situation.

• Match the voice of your brand and target audience.

Persuasion Techniques Using Emotion

If you’ve decided to use an emotional approach to your advertising, it’s important to choose the emotions that most appeal to your product, audience, and brand. I have listed four basic emotions that people use in advertising.


Humor strengthens the memory. If you want people to remember your products and brands, this may be the best option for you. It helps people make people remember your brand in a positive way. A company that kills comedy is Old Spice.


Using fear in the media can be difficult, but it can be very effective if done properly. This attack is used as a threat by using your product to solve problems or change behavior.


Enjoying advertising can be perfect if you have the initiative or something fun to share with your audience. Happiness stimulates the mind and body, encouraging people to take action and make purchasing decisions.


Making people sad is a good way to get their attention. I know how terrible it is, but it's true. Remember the sad puppy company that Budweiser started with puppies in 2014? It was boring at first, but I found it beautiful and unforgettable in the end.

 Examples of Advertising Psychology

Many marketers have learned a lot about problem-solving, but they badly behave when selling these words to their audience.

Advertisers and entrepreneurs use various psychological tricks and values ​​to increase their exposure. These are some of the words commonly used in psychiatry today

The Reciprocity Principle

The social policy describes giving and receiving people. If you give something to someone, you put the burden on them for asking for a refund. For example, a company may offer a free service with the expectation that the customer will pay for an expensive and expensive service.


While a business can persuade customers to engage in small things, it can also convince them that they want more. For example, if people are asked to sign up for a free class or webinar, they can attend a cheaper class.


People can usually buy from a company if there is evidence that someone else bought the company and trusted them; giving ideas or suggestions to advertisers for their audience benefits from brainstorming principles.


People pay more attention if they see that the company is the authority in the industry. Companies can demonstrate this verification tool by translating their years of experience or producing official content.


It is easy to find someone to buy from a company if they are first interested in the company. However, entrepreneurs need to know their audience, understand their tastes and needs, and showcase their products and brands to use this tool.


When things are scarce, people are in a hurry to get them. Advertisers can set a time limit for advertising and a small amount for a good bargain to use this tool.

Verbal Effect

Due to our lack of attention to the above, customers do not notice the length of the irrelevant advertising material. Also, people are often reminded of the general meaning rather than a descriptive definition. When advertisers confuse ideas into simple ideas from the beginning, customers are more likely to remember a company or product.

Many other psychological factors can influence how expectations are met in the media, and we apply them daily. The advertising industry will use these automated responses to drive sales and reach customers.


Psychology plays a major role in the design and application of media. By embracing the principles of psychiatry, advertising can be designed to create thoughts and feelings, ultimately stimulating consumer behaviors. IN a nutshell, psychology is very useful in the advertisement.
