Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy

Author: Ushna Nawaz

      REBT is a type of cognitive behavioral therapy focused on aiding the client to alter their irrational beliefs. It is also useful for us to delight ourselves when facing behavioral issues. This therapy believes that our response is the result of our thoughts, emotions, and how we endorse an event.

ABC model of REBT
            The ABC model of REBT demonstrates how we our mind generates irrational thoughts, emotions, and consequently a specific response. In this model,
A is the activating event or adversity,
B represents our irrational belief, and
C denotes the consequences.
ABCDE model of REBT
 ABCDE model of REBT helps us to modify our irrational beliefs and to get rid of our negative emotions and behavior. Here,
A is the activating event or adversity,
B represents our irrational belief, and
C denotes the consequences.
D represents the Disputes, and
E signifies the effective consequences.
We can understand this concept with this example:
