COVID-19: The Triggering factor of Multiple Psychological Disorders

Author: Ushna Nawaz

      COVID-19 is an acute respiratory syndrome caused by a coronavirus. Recently, coronavirus is affecting many people’s health and is acting as a triggering factor for many psychological disorders. COVID-19 is increasing the number of physically ill patients and the level of individuals with psychiatric illness. Based on the current situation, various predictions can be assumed in the coming days regarding how coronavirus is related to psychological disturbance and mental issues. 
COVID-19, Stress, and Anxiety

In this situation, media is also playing its role by displaying the information related to coronavirus, its effects, its symptoms, number of positive Covid-19 patients, and all type of precautionary measures people can take to prevent this pandemic. People become anxious and terrified when they learn about the cases of coronavirus as it getting severe day by day and its control is very hectic. The medical practitioners advised lock down which is another problem itself. The lockdown is affecting the economic condition, many people are losing their jobs and those who are labors, run their homes by doing work each day are suffering from distress. Most of the people are also facing financial issues which are becoming one of the major causes of stress and worry among people especially poor people. Furthermore on upper-level countries are also facing such crisis as all the transports and trading has been stopped when the coronavirus began to spread. Some people tend to assume the upcoming situations as if something happens to them then, this sort of negative thinking also increases worry and anxiety.
COVID-19, Fear, and Depression
           As COVID-19 is a contagious disease, it is recommended that people isolate them and stay away from others (approximately 6 feet); this factor leads to isolation, which is a sign of depression. Other than this sign, people are obscure and upset regarding the situation. People are experiencing social distancing and extreme changes in their lives that are getting very hard for them. Some individuals are not with their families at this time, provoking the element of loneliness and fear in them. They are doubtful and fearful that they will meet their families ever or not; in front of them, others are dying, which aggravates more fear and worry. Long-term sorrow, grief, worry, pessimism, lethargy, and loneliness are factors that initiate depression.
COVID-19 and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
            People are encountering the death of their loved ones and others. Some people only learn about the death of their close ones, family members, or relatives; no related member is allowed to visit the patient in the hospital and to bury them or to do any funeral rituals; all these factors are stressors and traumas people facing due to COVID-19 effects that may lead towards post-traumatic stress disorders. They are losing their loved ones and cannot see their faces last time and take care of their allies for the last time; that is a severe kind of trauma. People are watching others dying in front of their sight; such scenes are difficult to forget. The primary sign of post-traumatic stress is facing a traumatic event that people are facing currently, so there are chances of moving towards post-traumatic stress disorder.
COVID-19 and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
           Coronavirus can be transmitted through touching, coughing, and sneezing; therefore, people are more conscious of keeping them clean and their surroundings, and they are frequently using hand sanitizers, gloves, face masks, soap, and other products. People are preoccupied with these thoughts, and in response to their obsession, they are doing unnecessary actions such as cleaning each packet of eatables coming to their home and using hand sanitizer, washing their hands, and taking a bath more than advised. Such preoccupied thoughts lead to obsessions, and obsessions lead to compulsions, which eventually cause the obsessive-compulsive disorder.
COVID-19 and Personality Disorder
              COVID-19 is just like a sudden attack, brings a lot of changes (mostly unwanted) in people’s lives that affect their lifestyles and their behaviors and personality. As COVID-19 harms people’s emotions, causing disturbance to their emotional regulation such as dysregulation of emotions can lead to personality disorders such as borderline personality disorder.  
COVID-19 and Other Psychological Issues

           Apart from predicted major psychological problems, people are currently experiencing other psychological issues such as an abrupt change in mood, irritation, boredom, laziness, tiredness, sleep disturbance, and anger as they have to stay in the same place, away from others, and cannot enjoy the outside activities. 
Things that should be done to cope with psychological disorders

         All of us should take the following steps to avoid psychological disorders:
  • Be kind and support one another
  • Be optimistic and think that it will end soon
  • Take all precautionary measures appropriately
  • Keep in touch with the loved ones via social media
  • Do something that interests you
  • Stay away from the inaccurate and terrifying news  
  • Retain and maintain positive attitude
