Procrastination: Impact of procrastination on mental health and how to get rid of procrastination

Author: Ushna Nawaz

Intentional delay in doing a course of action even if they have to face worse consequences due to that delay (Steel & Piers, 2007). Similarly, procrastination is to do less urgent activities instead of urgent tasks or do something more pleasurable instead of less pleasurable things, so pending the tasks later (Schraw et al., 2007). Following are the five types of procrastination:

1.     Perfectionist: such procrastinators delay their work as they get stressed about every minor detail related to work.

2.     Dreamer: these procrastinators delay their work to make an ideal plan; they failed to complete their tasks on time due to excessive creativity.

3.     Avoider: those procrastinators who fear being evaluated negatively try to escape from the situation.

4.     Crisis maker: such people procrastinate their work because they think they can give their best at the last moment and enjoy performing tasks on the deadlines.

5.     Busy procrastinator: those individuals who have a lot of work to do and cannot prioritize which work to do first and which task can be done later.

In daily life, procrastination is something everyone practices more or less. There are different ways through which people do procrastinate and defend themselves very well. However, procrastination is practiced very much, but it negatively impacts an individual’s mental wellbeing. Procrastination can cause mental issues such as stress, anxiety, tension, worry, and guilt. When one did not complete their tasks at the time of the deadline, they became worried about it, which causes tension and eventually triggers stress and anxiety; thus, stress and anxiety prompt mental health issues. 

Many different studies have been conducted to examine the impact of procrastination on mental wellbeing and how they relate to each other. The study was conducted to examine the relationship between procrastination, mental health, and life satisfaction, and it was revealed from the result of this study that there subsists a negative relationship between procrastination, mental health, and life satisfaction (Argiropoulou, Sofianopoulou, & Kalantzi-Azizi, 2016).

According to research, the prevalence of procrastination is higher in males than females, and according to age, the level of procrastination is higher in adolescence than in children (Abdullah, M. Q.). A study was conducted to determine if the level of stress rises as the level of procrastination increases among school teachers. This study revealed a strong association between procrastination and stress among teachers; as procrastination increases, the stress level also rises (Van Wyk, 2006).

  • The perfectionist type should set a time limit for a task and try to finish their tasks at that certain time. The time should be ideal for the tasks; it should not be more or less than the time required to complete it.
  • The dreamer should make a SMART idea to fulfill the requirement of the given task. They should try not to indulge in their imaginations and focus on their task.
  • The avoider type should try to perform their task in chunks. They should make a realistic idea to do that chunk; thus, by completing all the chunks, they would be able to attain their goal.
  • The crisis maker should work on thought patterns and understand that by giving rest to their brain, they can perform much better than force them to complete their task at the last minute. In this way, they will have more time to polish their work.
  • The busy procrastinator firstly recognizes their priorities, and they should be clear about the importance of each activity. In this way, they will be able to make a sequence of projects on which they have to work. Their thoughts should be straight to choose which work should be done first and which one can wait to be done later. 

Procrastination affects adults, but it also has a bad impact on the students, but it can also cause them to lower their grades and lose their interest in studies, and may develop the habit of being lazy. Students are mostly under stress, and if they procrastinate, it may enhance their stress level. A study was conducted on students to find out the relationship between procrastination, stress, and academic achievements, and it was revealed from the results that there exists a strong correlation between procrastination, stress, and academic achievement. Thus, it shows that as procrastination increases, stress increases among students (Shokeen, 2018).

Procrastination also leads to anxiety; in procrastination, people do not complete their work on time, and when the deadline reaches, they become anxious. The result of a study showed that the effect of procrastination on mental health is negative, and procrastination increases the level of anxiety among students (Saplavska, & Jerkunkova, 2018). In another study, the relationship between course anxiety and academic procrastination was detected. In this study, procrastination was correlated with six dimensions of anxiety. It was shown from the result that there was a significant relationship between procrastination and anxiety (Azure, 2011). But sometimes, emotional disturbance also the presage factor of procrastination. Anxiety and depression are such emotional disturbances that can cause procrastination. A research was conducted to find the link between emotions and procrastination, and it was revealed from this research that procrastination could also be the reaction to emotional disturbance such as depression and anxiety (Wei, 2005).

    Procrastination is something that people should avoid and need to get rid of; because this way, they would not be stressed and anxious, eventually helping them be mentally healthy. Following are some ways that can help an individual to evade procrastination:


    It can be concluded that procrastination is very common in our societies, and it has a significant impact on human beings. It mostly negatively affects an individual's mental health; however, if the emotions of the individual are disturbed, it will also elicit procrastination. Procrastination is not a good thing that should be appreciated; rather, it should evade from our societies to promote mental health and to reduce the level of stress and anxiety. 
